Wednesday, November 14, 2012

One Goal Console Value Story

Recently the class was tasked with creating a story for our products that demonstrated their value proposition. This is my rendition of two stories. The first is from the perspective of two medical providers. The doctor, who was unaware of the OGC and the nurse, who was intimately familiar with it. This little clip tries to demonstrate the value of the One Goal Console to medical providers as a way to consolidate and monitor medical device data in real time. The second video is from the perspective of a patient that was hooked up to the OGC but did not know what it was. This is to show how the quality of care is improved for patients as a result of hospitals adopting this technology.

I hope you enjoy the videos (they are a little silly, but I'm not a marketer...).


  1. Sometimes being a marketer is a handicap when trying to tell the story without sounding like an ad. You've gotten the general idea here. The content of the conversation's a bit stilted, but the cuteness of the video balances it out.

    How about the newly recovered guy visiting another person who went in at the same time for the same ailment but is still there...or is home in bed cuz the hospital environment wasn't conducive to recovery?

  2. The goal was to emphasize how the OGC may help from a provider or a patient POV, including scenarios where someone was having anything but a stellar hospital stay seemed like it could detract from the overall feeling that the OGC improves clinical outcomes. Why acknowledge a bad outcome at all when you want to pitch that your device makes good outcomes happen? That was a sincere question, BTW.

  3. Your "OGC Patients" animation gave me quite the laugh lol. You did a good job demonstrating value from two different perspectives. It would also be interesting to see the value from the hospital itself's standpoint.

    1. Jon, the value proposition to the hospital is predominantly felt through the practitioners. The long term benefit is greater revenues through higher patient volume due to better clinical outcomes but that is overshadowed (especially in the short term) by the types of encounters doctors and nurses would have.

      Your point is duly noted however and if I have time I may try to create one that deals with the financial gains this product could lead to long term.
